The Wexford Conservation District’s Forestry Assistance Program will again be hosting several forestry workshops during 2022. Please join us!
Tour of the Cadillac Co-generation plant
Wednesday, April 5, 11 am 1525 Miltner Street, Cadillac
The Cadillac co- generation produces electrical power for the Michigan power grid. This is a valuable outlet in the forest products market. It consumes much of the low-quality wood, especially wood from abandoned Christmas farms, and allows conversions to forest plantations without oppressive site preparation costs. This tour is free of charge. Lunch will be provided. Please pre- register for this tour by Friday, March 31. Contact Forester Larry Czelusta at [email protected] or 231-775-7681 ext 3.
Wednesday, April 5, 11 am 1525 Miltner Street, Cadillac
The Cadillac co- generation produces electrical power for the Michigan power grid. This is a valuable outlet in the forest products market. It consumes much of the low-quality wood, especially wood from abandoned Christmas farms, and allows conversions to forest plantations without oppressive site preparation costs. This tour is free of charge. Lunch will be provided. Please pre- register for this tour by Friday, March 31. Contact Forester Larry Czelusta at [email protected] or 231-775-7681 ext 3.
Hardwood Marking for Landowners
Saturday, May 6, 9am to 1pm; location to be determined
This hands-on, outdoor workshop is designed for landowners of small woodlots of northern hardwoods It will instruct how to selectively mark their own hardwoods for a harvest. The goal is to teach how to select trees to remove with an emphasis to improve the quality of the remaining stand; to thin the stand to improve growth and still maintain diversity and good minimum density. Other topics will include how to retain and manage important wildlife habitat components such as rare and sensitive habitats and species, mast trees, cavity trees, and coarse woody debris. Density measuring devices will be given to workshop registrants. This workshop will only teach tree selection and will not teach volume estimation and appraisal. Preregistration is required. Snack and lunch will be provided according to COVID precautions. Bringing a clipboard is recommended. Please pre-register by April 21. Cost is $30 per person. Contact Forester Larry Czelusta at [email protected] or 231-775-7681 ext 3
Saturday, May 6, 9am to 1pm; location to be determined
This hands-on, outdoor workshop is designed for landowners of small woodlots of northern hardwoods It will instruct how to selectively mark their own hardwoods for a harvest. The goal is to teach how to select trees to remove with an emphasis to improve the quality of the remaining stand; to thin the stand to improve growth and still maintain diversity and good minimum density. Other topics will include how to retain and manage important wildlife habitat components such as rare and sensitive habitats and species, mast trees, cavity trees, and coarse woody debris. Density measuring devices will be given to workshop registrants. This workshop will only teach tree selection and will not teach volume estimation and appraisal. Preregistration is required. Snack and lunch will be provided according to COVID precautions. Bringing a clipboard is recommended. Please pre-register by April 21. Cost is $30 per person. Contact Forester Larry Czelusta at [email protected] or 231-775-7681 ext 3
How Deer Browse Affects Forest Management
Saturday, June 24, 10-11:30am, at the Mark Beem property south of Lake City.
The average forest landowner does not fully comprehend how deer browse is reducing natural regeneration until the deer are removed. Mark Beem has used wild land fencing to exclude deer on a recently logged area. This tour will examine the difference between deer allowed and deer excluded regeneration. Please pre-register by June 16. Contact Forester Larry Czelusta at [email protected] or 231-775-7681 ext 3. There is a $10 fee for this workshop.
Saturday, June 24, 10-11:30am, at the Mark Beem property south of Lake City.
The average forest landowner does not fully comprehend how deer browse is reducing natural regeneration until the deer are removed. Mark Beem has used wild land fencing to exclude deer on a recently logged area. This tour will examine the difference between deer allowed and deer excluded regeneration. Please pre-register by June 16. Contact Forester Larry Czelusta at [email protected] or 231-775-7681 ext 3. There is a $10 fee for this workshop.
Tree Farm Field Day
Saturday, September 16 beginning at 9:00 am at the Dan Ferris Tree Farm, Cherry Grove Township, SW of Cadillac
The Ferris family have enjoyed years of work and play in their forested property as out of state landowners. Come see and listen to what a typical forest landowner can do with a typical Michigan forest property. Multiple generations of the Ferris family would like to share their enthusiasm of owning forestland. Lunch will be provided by the American Tree Farm System.
Pre-registration is requested by September 15. There is no cost. Contact Forester Larry Czelusta at [email protected] or 231-775-7681 ext 3.
Saturday, September 16 beginning at 9:00 am at the Dan Ferris Tree Farm, Cherry Grove Township, SW of Cadillac
The Ferris family have enjoyed years of work and play in their forested property as out of state landowners. Come see and listen to what a typical forest landowner can do with a typical Michigan forest property. Multiple generations of the Ferris family would like to share their enthusiasm of owning forestland. Lunch will be provided by the American Tree Farm System.
Pre-registration is requested by September 15. There is no cost. Contact Forester Larry Czelusta at [email protected] or 231-775-7681 ext 3.
The Michigan Forestry Assistance Program is constantly adding new events to the State calendar, and many events are located in nearby counties. Check the State’s FAP web page and scroll down and click on “FAP Calendar of Events” to see the most up-to-date listing of FAP events that are being sponsored locally.