Yes, you can grow a wide variety of food in Wexford County, if you are careful in selecting an appropriate site, and select appropriate fruit and perennial vegetable varieties that are adapted to our climate. The Wexford Conservation District sells hardy apple, cherry, peach, pear, and plum trees, along with asparagus, blueberry, cranberry, horseradish, raspberry, and strawberry plants.
Except where noted, all of our food-producing plants are sold as bare root (not potted) plants.
Apple Varieties
Jersey KnightThis year we are carrying the “Jersey Knight” variety which
thrives in a wide variety of soils, has good disease resistance and excellent flavor. Asparagus prefers soils that are organically rich, have a pH of 7.0 with even moisture, but will grow in any well-drained soil in full sun. Space plants 1’ apart with 3’ between rows. |
Blueberry Varieties
Plants are approximately 2' tall and come in a 1-gallon container Price for all varieties is $8.00 each
Cherry Varieties
New this year! Contrary to popular belief, you do not need a bog to grow cranberries – commercial growers flood their cranberry “bogs” only at harvest time, as ripe cranberries will float. Cranberries grow best on soils that are moist, acidic, and have a pH below 5.0. We sell the ‘Pilgrim’ variety which produces large, bright red berries. Sold in 4” pots.
$5.00 each |
Big TopWe selected this variety for its size, vigor, wide adaptability, and resistance to diseases. Plants are dormant and arrive bare-root. Roots can be harvested the second fall after harvesting. Plants wil spread, so give them plenty of room. Each plant will easily occupy 16 square feet within three years.