- Small Fruits
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- Strawberries - Valley Sunset
Strawberries - Valley Sunset
Strawberries grow best in well-drained soils rich in organic matter. Plants should be spaced 18” apart, with at least 3’ between rows. June-bearing varieties produce one crop in early summer. Day-neutral varieties will flower continuously and produce fruit throughout the summer. We carry two varieties of June-bearing strawberries so you can harvest for a full month or more as well as day-neutral varieties that will produce berries all summer.
Jewel– A mid-season variety with excellent flavor. Berries are large in size. Plants have moderate winter hardiness. Recommended for commercial growers and home gardeners.
Valley Sunset – A late-season June-bearing variety that produces large berries with excellent flavor. Resistant to leaf diseases.
Seascape – A Day-neutral variety that produces large berries with excellent flavor. Said to be the best tasting of the day-neutral varieties.
Earliglow – June bearing variety with firm, and medium size berries. Great for eating and freezing. That has resistance to Verticillium wilt and red stele.
Allstar –A late mid-season June-bearing large, sweet fruits with high yields. Resistant to verticillium wilt and red stele.